Our Ingredients

Seasonal Flavors

We use flavors as they are available throughout the seasons. Below are examples of some of our regular flavors and the season in which they usually begin to be available until we run out. We will continue to experiment with new flavors so always check in to see what new options we have available!

*There are a few ingredients that cannot easily be grown in the Pacific Northwest such as citrus and tropical spices. We use some of them in our drinks and are always on the lookout for local alternatives. For example, we are currently growing Northern Spicebush, a North American native shrub that tastes like Allspice! Once the plants are big enough to harvest from you can be sure to see it in our drinks!

Bottle Returns!

All of our drinks are sold with a bottle deposit. If you return the bottle without damage we will reimburse you the deposit!
We clean and sanitize all of our returns to be reused and save lots of glass!

Where to get it?

coming soon to nature nurture farmacy and Farm + Flourish!

We are currently on hiatus with our drinks as we build a commercial processing facility on our homestead. We will be working on it over Winter and hope to have our drinks in the above locations for purchase by the end of Winter or early Spring.

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